At Saltz Plastic Surgery and Spa Vitoria, we offer just the solution, Clear + Brilliant. Clear + Brilliant is a non-invasive laser treatment whose goal is to provide proactive care for your face. Kind of like heading off wrinkles before anyone sees them. Now that is brilliant. Clear + Brilliant, to be exact.
What is Clear + Brilliant?
Clear + Brilliant is a gentle laser that refreshes the skin from within. The laser energy is directed at target areas on the face where the laser energy creates thousands of microscopic holes in the upper layers of the skin. The body reacts to these perceived injuries by replacing the damaged skin with new, younger-looking tissue.
Clear + Brilliant addresses an unmet need in skin care, lying somewhere between over the counter or spa treatments and more aggressive treatments such as laser skin resurfacing.
With Clear + Brilliant there is no downtime, and the best results are achieved after from 3-6 treatments.
How does Clear + Brilliant treatment work?
The first step in your Clear + Brilliant treatments will be to meet with one of our Master Estheticians to be sure Clear + Brilliant is a good option for you. Next, we apply topical numbing cream to your facial skin to alleviate any discomfort. When your skin is numbed, the Clear + Brilliant handpiece is moved across the target areas for approximately 15-20 minutes.
The laser energy creates thousands of microscopic punctures through the epidermis down into the skin’s second layer, the dermis. This will trigger the “wound response” you want, where the body builds new skin cells, remodels existing collagen in the area, and initiates the production of new collagen to “heal” the perceived wounds. In reality, the tiny punctures are fully healed in just a few hours.
To ensure the best results, Clear + Brilliant uses the patented Intelligent Optical Tracking™ System. This makes sure the handpiece maintains proper contact with your skin and provides uniform application to all the treatment areas.
The final step of Clear + Brilliant is to apply a topical serum or a biocellulose masque to your skin, depending on your unique needs.
Who wants to look their age? Exactly no one! Clear + Brilliant at Spa Vitoria is a great treatment to keep your facial skin looking its youngest for as long as possible. Give us a call at our Salt Lake City, (801) 274-9500, or our Park City, (435) 655-6612, locations and ask about Clear + Brilliant.