Kim Kardashian is no stranger to the aesthetic industry. Beyond breast augmentation, experts have said she has had nose surgery, Fraxel resurfacing, Botox and filler injections, and a Brazilian butt lift, among possible other procedures.
Now the latest is CoolSculpting to remove baby fat from her recent pregnancy and birth of son Saint West on December 5, 2015. Evidently, this latest procedure didn’t sit well with her rapping husband Kanye West.
Technically, she didn’t disregard his wishes. CoolSculpting, while in the realm of the cosmetic industry, is totally non-invasive, meaning there isn’t any surgery involved with the procedure.
CoolSculpting is a relatively new procedure whose concept was discovered by two Harvard researchers. When doing a research study with children who were eating popsicles, the researches noted that by eating popsicles, the kids’ developed dimples in their cheeks. They theorized that the cold in the popsicles was killing some of the fat cells in the cheeks, creating dimples.
That concept became CoolSculpting, where a machine vacuum-attaches to an area where the patient seeks to lose fat cells. The machine then delivers cooling at a temperature that kills fat cells (they freeze at a higher point than other tissue cells), but leaves the adjacent other tissue cells unharmed. The fat cells that are killed are then gradually flushed from the body. CoolSculpting results in around a 20% decrease in fat cells in the areas it is used. Those fat cells are removed permanently.
So, back to Ms. Kardashian. The IBT story quoted an unnamed source who knows Ms. Kardashian, saying, “Kim has undergone CoolSculpting because she said that she needs to look super hot for New Year’s. Kim would totally get liposuction, but Kanye would lose it because he is very against that specific procedure for his wife.”
So, instead, Ms. Kardashian opted for CoolSculpting and has lost 17 pounds. Supposedly others in the Kardashian clan thought that Ms. Kardashian’s goal of losing weight would “send the wrong message to her fans,” the source said.
But it’s a pretty good advertisement for CoolSculpting.