Kybella is a Fat Killer

A double chin mysteriously shows up one day, kind of like that “relative” whom you’ve never heard of who shows up at Thanksgiving. Most people develop some double chin at some point, either as a result of sagging skin or the accumulation of fat under their chin.
When the cause is fat, the term is submental fullness.
That sure sounds a like better than a double chin, right?
It used to be that the only way you could address a double chin was to have a neck lift or a midface lift. But a couple of years back a new product came on the market called Kybella®. And Kybella® has been waging war on the fat under our chins ever since. Dr. Saltz offers Kybella® at his practice.

What is Kybella?

While Kybella® is the name, you could call it deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid occurs naturally in the body; its job is to aid in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. Now you can see the simplicity behind Kybella®. To deoxycholic acid fat is fat, meaning it doesn’t differentiate between dietary fat and other fat that can be found in pockets under your chin. When Kybella® is injected into the fat beneath the chin, it destroys the fat cells. And it destroys them permanently, removing the storage mechanism to accumulate fat in the area. That means your double chin is gone for good, as long as you don’t put on a good deal of weight in the future.

Can you use Kybella elsewhere?

OK, since Kybella® is a fat melter, why not simply use it anywhere you have unwanted fat, such as around your lower abdomen? That is a tempting thought, but at this point, the FDA has approved Kybella® only for use on double chins. The company that makes Kybella is researching its use on other potential areas, however.

How is Kybella used?

At Dr. Saltz’s, a Kybella® session doesn’t take much time, less than 30 minutes. The session involves a series of injections with a tiny needle into the areas under the chin where you are storing fat. You will see results from your first session, but most patients opt to have a series of sessions to get the contour they seek. The FDA allows for up to six injection sessions with Kybella®.

Interested in saying goodbye to the junk under your chin? Call Dr. Saltz at either our Park City or Salt Lake City offices to make your appointment.

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